

Fiscal Analysis

Year Month Fiscal Analysis Description Legislation Tabled
2022 March CR29-2022  PILOT Agreement with Patuxent LLC  Legislation No
2022 January CB4-2022  County Executive Compensation Legislation No
2022 January CB9-2022  APFO Requirement - Developers Meet w HCPSS Legislation No
2022 January CR16-2022  Conveyance of 8308 Main Street LLC Legislation No
2022 January CB1-2022 Pay Plan for Rec. Licensed Child Care EEs Legislation No
2022 January CB10-2022  Laid Off Employees Rights of Recall Legislation No
2022 January CB8-2022  MIHUs in PGCC Code Changes Legislation No
2022 January CR17-2022  Revising Howard County Design Manual Legislation No
2022 January CB1-2022  Pay Plan for Rec. Licensed Child Care EEs Legislation No
2022 January CB5-2022  Zoning Board Compensation Legislation No
2022 January CB7-2022 (ZRA 199)  MIHUs in PGCC Legislation No
2022 January CB6-2022  Citizen's Election Fund Legislation No