

Decisions and Orders

Case Number Date Filed Petitioner Location Summary Status
BA 620D Carvel Mays, Jr. Decision Made, Granted,
BA 08-004V Carrit, LLC Decision Made, Denied,
BA 0733N Auto Supreme, Inc. Decision Made, Granted,
BA 632D Philip Rousseau Decision Made, Granted,
BA 621D Owen Kelly, Carrigan Homes, Inc. Decision Made, Denied,
BA 07-003S Plumtree, LLC Decision Made, Granted,
BA 07-034V Stanley J. Morgan Decision Made, Granted,
BA 06-048C Weis Markets, Inc. Decision Made, Granted,
BA 06-027C Raymond and Barbara Brookhart Decision Made, Granted,
BA 87-42E Department of Planning & Zoning Decision Made,