Inspector General Advisory Board Application Form
The Office of the Inspector General is an independent office providing increased accountability and oversight into the operations of Howard County Government. The Office of the Inspector General is responsible for investigating waste, fraud, and abuse; identifying ways to promote accountability, efficiency, and integrity; and monitoring the activities and records of Howard County Government.
The Board was formed with the passage of County Council Bill 61-2024 after the voters of Howard County voted to approve an amendment to the County Charter permitting the creation of an Office of Inspect General.
The Inspector General Advisory Board is responsible for:
- selecting the Howard County Inspector General,
- conducting reviews of completed investigations, and
- reviewing and making recommendations on the Office of the Inspector General’s budget.
Five members are appointed by each of the County Council members, one member is appointed by the County Executive, and an at-large member is appointed by the collective County Council through a public solicitation process.
The Board shall consist of at least one member from the Democratic Party, at least one member of the Republican Party, and at least one member who is unaffiliated to a political party.
The Board meets at least twice a year. Board members serve a five-year term and may not serve more than two consecutive five-year terms. Term lengths are initially staggered for the installation of the first Board.
Individuals seeking to serve on the Inspector General Advisory Board must meet the following criteria:
- be members of either the professional associations of Inspectors Generals, Certified fraud Examiners, or Certified Public Accountants;
- be former judges or prosecutors; or
- have experience in government accountability, auditing, or investigations.
Individuals with the following are ineligible to serve:
- those convicted of a felony or misdemeanor with a statutory penalty of more than two years;
- Howard County Government employees;
- Howard County Board or Commission members;
- any elected officials;
- any candidates for public office or political central committees;
- officers, staff members, or employees of any political party;
- registered lobbyists;
- County contractors or vendors; and
- any individual subject to the jurisdiction of the Inspector.